Cedar Bevel

Sustainable siding solutions.

Western Red Cedar is a resilient, beautiful choice for any climate. It holds up well against heat, rain, and insects while having a natural resistance to decay that makes it an ideal choice for a long-lasting, low-maintenance siding.

Cedar Bevel

Cedar Bevel
  • Bevel siding is one of the most commonly-used sidings — and for good reason. It’s installed overlap allows rain water to naturally flow down the siding, keeping homes dry and secure, while also providing an attractive shadow line to the exterior of any building.

    In addition, West Bay bevel comes sub-bundled and end-capped, and can be graded from either the resawn or smooth side giving it versatility to be installed from whichever side you prefer.

  • Size Tip Butt Width

    1x6” 3/16” 11/16” 5 1/4”

    1x8” 3/16” 11/16” 7 1/4”

    1x10” 3/16” 11/16” 9 1/4”

    1x6” 3/16” 3/4” 5 1/4”

    1x8” 3/16” 3/4” 7 1/4”

    1x10” 3/16” 3/4” 9 1/4”


    6’ - 20’

    Custom sizes & lengths available upon request.

Rabbeted Cedar Bevel

Rabbeted Cedar Bevel
  • Rabbeted bevel siding is a type of bevel siding that has a rectangular groove, or rabbet, milled into the back of the thick butt edge on each board.

    This allows for easier installation and greater protection against the environment due to overlap with the board below. Once installed, rabbeted bevel looks identical to traditional bevel siding.

  • Size Tip Butt Width

    11/16x6” 3/16” 11/16” 5 1/4”

    11/16x8” 3/16” 11/16” 7 1/4”

    11/16x10” 3/16” 11/16” 9 1/4”

    5/4x6” 1/4” 1-1/32” 5 1/4”

    5/4x8” 1/4” 1-1/32” 7 1/4”

    5/4x10” 1/4” 1-1/32” 9 1/4”


    6’ - 20’

    Custom sizes & lengths available upon request.

Check out our Cedar Bevel Information Sheets for more details.

Bevel Siding


Installed Cedar Bevel
Cedar Bevel Siding

For more applications, check out the Western Red Cedar Lumber Association.