Responsible Cedar

Discover the wonders of Western Red Cedar.

Western Red Cedar is a sustainable and versatile solution to nearly every project. Whether you’re looking for something more reliable, durable, or beneficial for the environment, the answer is always cedar.

Sustainability matters.

  • Western Red Cedar is a renewable resource. The vast majority of fibre in BC comes from sustainably managed forests. For every cedar tree harvested, three new ones are planted.

  • Western Red Cedar requires much less energy to produce than other building materials like steel or concrete.

  • Every piece of the log is used - there is no waste. Short lengths are sold as finger joint blocks that get transformed into longer pieces. Even biproducts such as sawdust and shavings are used for animal bedding and producing clean energy.

That’s why we’re proud to be in the business of cedar - it’s the most sustainable building material on the market. Here’s why:

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Cedar Forest
  • Western Red Cedar products are long lasting, so you won’t have to replace them as often as other products.

  • When it is time to move on, Western Red Cedar can be reclaimed from structures for reuse, or returned to the Earth since it’s bio-degradable.

  • Cedar helps reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases during its entire lifecycle. As cedar trees grow, they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Once harvested, forests regenerate and even more trees are planted. During manufacturing, cedar produces far fewer toxins and greenhouse gases than the leading man-made materials. Finally, once installed, cedar products continue to hold carbon, keeping it out of the atmosphere.

For more Western Red Cedar sustainability facts, check out our blog.

So does reliability.

Western Red Cedar is a proven, long-lasting, and durable resource. Whether you’re using it as siding, decking, or fencing, cedar stands the test of time. There’s a reason you can find cedar structures from the 16th century still standing today.

This reliability originates from the unique natural properties that Western Red Cedar possesses. One of cedar’s biggest strengths is its natural resistance to rot, decay, and insects, along with durability in nearly any climate. It’s structure also allows it to resist warping and twisting, allowing it to maintain it’s strength for decades. It can stand up to poor weather conditions, because it was born in the “Pacific North-Wet.” When installed properly, water will drip down and off the wood without leakage to your home, or damage to the wood.

Western Red Cedar Bevel Siding

And the benefits don’t stop there.

Western Red Cedar provides numerous benefits over man-made building materials.

For one, Western Red Cedar is an excellent thermal insulator - it keeps buildings warm in the winter and cool in the summer, saving you money.

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In addition, Western Red Cedar has outstanding acoustic properties, reducing and confining noise where you want it. It’s often used for walls and ceilings for its sound dampening properties.

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Whether you select a clear or knotty variant, Western Red Cedar has a beautiful natural look in any application. If you choose to add a finish for your cedar, it is easily compatible with most exterior paints, stains, and bleaches, along with interior varnishes, oils, and waxes, which will help keep your project looking great for years to come.

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